Saturday, March 31, 2012

Holiday Exhaustion

G'nite everyone!

I have had quite a weekend..and the holiday has hardly started! Friday evening Leah came and picked me up from my house and then we went on to get Lynn. We ventured off towards Redcliffe where Leah is from. I needed cash and Leah needed some ingredients for the BBQ so we stopped at a grocery store..however it didn't go too smoothly for me. It just so happens to withdraw cash you need to know the PIN of your credit card. Whoops...

As we approached Leah's estate she slowed way down in the hopes of seeing kangaroos in her neighborhood and WE DID! I saw my first two kangaroos of my whole aussie trip! It was so cool, they were like deer in MN and hopped back into the trees. My night was complete before it really had even begun.

Leah's parents Linda and Peter greeted us with open arms into their house. Peter had grilled steaks and sausages while Linda and Leah had already prepared an amazing salad. I have been so spoiled with such great home cooked meals.. my mom and roommates have some big shoes to fill once I return!

Leah was so lovely and left little gifts in our room when we got there. So excited I tore it open to find timtams and good! We devoured them later in the evening :)

After dinner and chatting with the parents about rugby, JEEPs, nicknames...haha we rushed to get ready and Linda brought us to EatonHill, a new and HUGE nightclub near Redcliffe. There was a ministry of music event going on so there was a $10 cover charge. Remember when I said I was unable to get cash earlier in the evening?? well... I paid in coins to get into the bar.. always keeping it classy! The night was so fun. We met heaps of cool people and got some American deals on some fancy drinks.

This morning we woke up at 9 and took off for the Sunshine Coast! I was soo pumped to go to the coast and relax on the beach! It was just beautiful being on the coast. The sky was dark blue with litter clouds. Lynn, Leah and I sat on the beach, walked along the coast and went to a Dampa Dampa shop to try some Aussie Dampas!

My aussie friend Leah is so adventurous (by adventurous I mean she even went to NYC for a week ALONE) and is talking about moving to Spain in October to teach. Crazy right?! It does sound tempting to do though...for a year maybe? Our big discussion of the day was our next trip to Spain.  :)

I came home at 3pm to meet with the travel agent about my Sydney trip. After a glass of wine in the Bali Hut with the travel agent, Brad and Lynda I was EXHAUSTED! I came into the house and Cale turned on the TV for me..haha although I was out like a light within minutes. I took my first cat nap of the entire trip and it was amazzzinnng! I needed some sleep....after all the hard work on the beach and all ;)

This evening I needed to paint my nails since I finally picked off my manicure to the point that I was going to need to wear gloves if I couldn't touch up my nails. Lynda shared her nail polish with me, which is something she is not used to doing living with 4 boys.. I picked out some colors and ran into my room for two minutes. I came out to find Corey and Cale painting their toes! I think there is a little too much girl power in the house for all these boys to handle... hehe. too funny! Do not fear, they removed the polish..but I do have pictures to blackmail them with in 15 years. muaahaha.

B-girl: painting my nails made me think of YOU! as always... wish you were here!!! xoxoxoxoxo

Tomorrow morning we are packing up and headed to Tallebundgra to go camping... WHAT AM I GETTING MYSELF INTO?! Actually, I am really excited! The weather is supposed to be great, Lynda and I have planned walk along the coast and walks to the markets for fresh fruits and veggies (my latest obsession) and I will of course bring my Garmin for ocean side runs! AHHH PARADISE!

Thank you to all my "followers" of my trip. It has been absolutely wonderful and I am so blessed to have such wonderful people in Australia taking such great care of me.

Have a great weekend everyone! I'd love to hear some great April Fools Day pranks. Just crossing my fingers my host family doesn't play any on me while camping ;) Stay tuned for updates on my big adventure!

love always
Mel xoxo

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Happy (2 week) Holiday!

What a beautiful day in Australia today! The sun was out the weather is hot..I love it! PLUS, it is end of term so I have a two week holiday (vacation)! Anyone in MN have a two week vaca??

I began my early morning at 5:30 with a run, my new daily starter here. On my way back to the house I was just about to the gate and I noticed Quacka, one of our pet ducks was across the street! I ran in to get the boys and we had a wild duck hunt around the neighborhood! NOW we know that the ducks certainly can fly out of their pen...Brad will be clipping their feathers in the near future.

When the kids arrived at school my little mate (buddy) who said the funny yesterday came in bouncing off the walls and dancing in front of the class making a big scene. I told him he could only dance if he danced with me..THINKING that would scare him off. OH NO, he pulled me in and started dancing the morning away. I was trying so hard not to laugh and get my teacher voice out...but come on these kids are hilarious! Later, this same boy raised his hand during writing again and told me he was very upset. I asked him why he was so mad and he said that another boy in the class told him he couldn't marry me.........HAHA. What do I say to these comments...seriously, I need help!

I was so surprised this morning with EASTER cards (again, not allowed in American schools), eggs, candies, etc. The kids showered us with gifts. I felt so special, especially for being here for nearly a week. LOVE IT!

Later, the prep kids (kindergarten) had a easter hat parade and the grades went outside their buildings to cheer on and applaud and for the decked out preppies in their bunny hats. It was so neat seeing the relationship between grades, especially years six and seven with the little ones!

There has been a lot of writing in my classroom this week. For end of term assessment they are writing short stories. Many kids ask me how to spell melts my heart that they are using MN in their writings, even though they have no idea what it is like..just that I am from there. hehe so cute.

Mrs. Knight and I decided to give the kids a break outside to play dodgeball. (A teacher's secret dream is to participate in an innocent game of dodgeball....and I did!) The kids had a blast! There was a point where the kids started having a break dance competition on the basketball court..they asked me if I could shuffle. Oh boy, can I shuffle! But they are pretty dang good I enjoyed watching them. I just love seeing the students in a different environment other than the classroom!

I was on duty today during first break with my teacher and I just had come to realize that the sports the kids play are mainly cricket and different from at home! It is just one thing showing that it is just a total other world over here..! Yet, so similar at the same time.

At second lunch one of the teachers gave me a "frostbite stix" which is a sorbet tube of fruit juice, similar to a freeze, which they would call an ice block. Whatever it was, it was very good and very refreshing!

Tonight I am off to Leah's for a BBQ and then to meet some more Aussie friends. Tomorrow we will be hitting the Sunshine Coast and I cannot wait! Have a great Friday all my American mates! (friends**!)

Mel xoxo

Girls' Night In :)

G'day everyone! Thank you to all who have taken the time to read my blog, I have enjoyed the feedback from many of you and am relieved I am not writing only to cyber space :) 

I have continued to have a fabulous time at school and at home. Tuesday the school had "gold pass" day which is when the students who have gone through the term without getting detention get to choose in a fun activity. I was outside with the "water pistols" I had to laugh because not only did they get to bring water guns..which would be greatly frowned upon (or should I say not allowed the least bit) in American schools, but they took the whole last hour of the day for the kids to have a shot at seeing who can drench their peers the most. It was SO MUCH FUN watching the kids let their hair down and just be kids. I was discussing with my teacher that they justify it by saying one hour is only 6 minutes per week for the past 10 weeks and the kids deserve it. I couldn't agree more. And shocker, no one was complaining about the "weapons" or even misused them in any way. I think this was a great reward, better than rewarding kids with a movie or junk food, just some quality time with their peers building social skills by the squirt of their nerf guns.

Yesterday (Wednesday) at Morayfield East was Cross Country Day. Each grade divides with boys and girls and runs around the school and school yard for a total of 2.5km. The school divides into "teams" according by their last name. The teams earn points throughout the term by activities, sports days, districts and carnival games. I love the idea of this because it motivates the kids to work for something, they belong to a team just by having a last name. The competition throughout the school is amazing, and again, something that seems to be non-existent in American schools. I have always believed that a little competition doesn't hurt anyone.

Today we had a whole school parade, or assembly. Coleby performed in the junior choir to an adorable grizzly bear song. The school 7th grade captain acknowledged us to the entire school and staff which was very touching. The gym teacher introduced the top runners from yesterday's cross country meet and the house team winner. The house team captains came and received their trophy and then those students that belong got to sing their anthem--so so cool! The deputy principal engaged the other teams by asking what team wants to win the next activity and the students went wild. Such a cool environment!

After Cale came to my classroom to meet me to go walk to find Lynda. My cooperating teacher, Mrs. Knight, asked if he was looking for someone and he replied, "Melanie." Mrs. Knight corrected him by prompting him to call me Ms. Anderson, half joking. The funny thing is the boys will call me Ms. Anderson at home by accident sometimes... I guess I just confuse them so much being a sister and school teacher  :)

Lynda picked us up and we had afternoon tea outside while the boys swam. Lynda's sister came for tea and we looked through the Michael Hill jewelery catalogue picking out our diamonds. Brad is working an overnight shift at the fire station so Lynda and I chatted about girlie stuff while making veggie salads and dinner together. Such a fun night in with my perfect Oz mum- the only thing missing was a glass of Moscato!

I am so excited for the upcoming days! Tomorrow is the last day of term for the school so we have some fun stuff planned. Mrs. Knight is anticipating low numbers at school tomorrow due to parents A) not bothering bringing their kids to school or B) families taking an early holiday. (mind you, they already have a full two week holiday!) After school, Leah is picking up Andrea, Lynn, and myself and bringing us to her home in Redcliffe for a BBQ with her family then out to meet some of her friends. Saturday morning we are waking up and going on a spur of the moment trip to Sunshine Coast (EEK!) cannot wait :) Saturday evening I will be home to pack up for a CAMPING, yes, CAMPING trip with my host family to Tallebundgra Sunday-Thursday. We will be steps away from the ocean for five days. I plan to bring my book The Lucky One from my bestest friend, Mak and read that while laying in the sand. Of course, after my runs along the boardwalk. PARADISE. I just hope I have an outlet for my Garmin..??!

Ok, if you are still with me.. I have a funny! I promise it is funny but cannot promise the "funny" will show through the lines so I may have to retell once I am back in the states for those of you who need further clarification.. OK ANYWAY. A boy in my class was raising his hand during writing and I went to assist him. He asked me a question about "full stops" or periods. I helped him out and then he said, "Miss Anderson, I have one more question....after school do you go to a lot of parties after school and yell '(in the funniest, high pitch, fast voice ever) heyyywhatsupbrother?!?!?!'" I BURST out laughing and had to walk away. After this question I am scared to find out what the kid's perception on America really is....! :)

One more thing.. I have put a video of Coleby dancing on facebook. Please check it out. I about wet my pants laughing so hard. (sorry Dad, had to say it... I know "stupid, stupid, stupid) I hope you all find it as comical as I did! Next I will have to post a video of their cute accents....OH MY GOSH!

Have a great Friday everyone! (well Thursday... it's almost Friday for me...suckers!) Sending my thoughts and love to you all!
Mel xoxo

Monday, March 26, 2012

Do all Americans speak funny or is it just me?

Hello there! My first Monday at Morayfield East State School was a success. I really love the year six students. The age they are at is so much fun and I am so lucky to have such a wonderful cooperating teacher! After school Lynn and I walked to a small grocery store to try to find ingredients for puppy luck. So we walked back to Pigs Hollow to sit by the pool and finish applying for jobs! It is crazy applying for big girl jobs right now. I get so overwhelmed because I have no idea where I want to be, or if I will have much of a choice. Growing up can be so hard sometimes!

At school today Mrs. Knight and I went into a year three classroom to give that teacher 30 minutes of no-contact time. The kids were so cute, when Mrs. Knight introduced me and said I came all the way from America their eyes lit up. One boy shouted out, "Is America fun?!" Later, another boy asked me how I spell mum. I responded "m-o-m" of course..the boy goes, "Wow, she really is from America!" A girl in my class came up to me just curious if it ever gets hot in Minnesota and when I told her it does she was satisfied and left. Another boy asked me if all people in America speak funny or if it was just me.

Kids say the darnedest things! It was a beautiful day today in Morayfield.

Many thoughts and prayers to my family at home going through medical issues including my grandpa who had a heart attack on Friday.. hugs and kisses to you all.

Congrats to my baby sister who was honored with "Rookie of the Year" for ERDT this year as an 8th grader! I couldn't be more proud of her- I love you B! xoxo

Kind regards
Mel xoxo

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Have I mentioned I'm scared of heights...?

What a weekend! Each day was jam packed and I am really thinking how wonderful it would be if Australia called a school holiday tomorrow... ;) I am up at 11:20 filling out teaching applications for Mankato next year..which is NOT on my radar right now, but it needs to be done! Anyway, I cannot complain..I am in Australia.

Yesterday at Sutton's Beach was great! We had amazing weather and the Qut students were so nice to come out and join us. They want to hang out next weekend so they must think we are pretty cool too. Nina, Ashley, Lynn and I ventured off to the big city last night and when I say ventured off I mean it was quite an adventure! First off, Brad drops us off at the train station to find that the trains aren't running from Morayfield and we would have to take a bus to North Gate and then train to the city. Well, we bussed for an hour to North Gate and then found the train to South Bank. Somehow we got on the train without swiping our Go Cards so the security man on the train had to bear with us to figure out where we had gone wrong. We made it to the city though...such big girls! We walked around the boardwalk and on the new pedestrian bridge and just enjoyed where we were at in the moment. A funny thing of trying to capture every moment of this trip was when our pictures were not turning out or doing the city justice, we decided to put our cameras away and just soak it all in. Life lesson #1.  Later we found some fun outdoor bars for a couple of drinks to cap off the night before our long venture back to Morayfield. All in all, great night full of memories.

This morning I went to the markets with my host family and then off to Potsville which is about 2 hours from Morayfield. The weather was not ideal, I even had to put a jacket on! But Lynda and I went for a walk along the coast down surfers paradise and even with the clouds and wind it was absolutely breathe taking. I love the sound of the waves and the feeling of walking bare feet in the sand! Coleby tagged along for awhile and we searched for ghost crabs. He was excited to show me the holes the crabs make and explained that they make balls out of sand while digging, these balls look like sand flavored dippin' dots! I tried explaining dippin' dots to Lynda and Coleby but I do not think they completely understand what they are so I suppose they better come visit MOA and try some for themselves! Coleby found a large one and wanted to keep it on his ore from the paddle boat, he named the crab Minnesota- how precious!

After Potsville we headed to the heart of Surfers Paradise. Lynda, Coleby, Corey and I went to the top of the Q1 tower, which is 77 stories tall! When getting out of the elevator that wizzed us up to the top in a swift 44 seconds I told Lynda, "Have I mentioned I'm scared of heights?" she could not stop laughing and was in disbelief on why I would want to go to the top. Let me tell you, the pictures of the city from the top of this building was worth every drip of sweat on my palms.  (haha) The best part was we went up right before sunset so we were able to watch the sun set from the skyline and it was absolutely incredible! I cannot wait to tell my family I have gone up to the top of another building..after an incident in London they probably wouldn't think I would go to the top of a 3 story house let alone 77 stories! We finished off the evening walking along the ocean after dark. I cannot explain how much I love being by the water and hearing the waves. I need to find a shell to bring home where I can hear the waves crashing at all times. love. love. love.

Now back to applications. If anyone knows an easier way to get hired please let me know... I am over this application process :)

Mel xoxo

Friday, March 23, 2012

Teacher Voice

Hi all! Since I have last posted I have been in my year six classroom twice. Thursday we went to Morayfield East State School in the morning to meet our teachers and class. I was welcomed right away by my teacher at the year 4-6 parade (assembly). After the parade we went back to the classroom and the students had Japanese. I was able to talk to my teacher during this time and then soon after was released to go back to Qut for some Subway with the girls, Qut staff and Kristin and Deb, our MSU professors who are with us for two weeks. Lunch was full of laughter and discussions on places in Oz that we have yet to discover.

Later Thursday afternoon we went to an art class at Qut with some Aussie students. It is fun to see how their classes and lectures compare to ours. The students were very welcoming and full of questions for us.

Friday was our first full day in the classroom and I absolutely LOVED it! My teacher is better than ever, we get along so well. The students are so fun, I love year six. I made a powerpoint quickly Thursday night with the help of Corey (to do conversions of temperature and measurements of MN climate and snowfall) to show my class Friday during school. They loved the picture of America and where Disney Land and Disney World are compared to Minnesota. I showed them where Mankato was and some pictures of the University. Many students live in poverty at this school so attending a Uni might not be on their radar, but if I can inspire one student..then I feel I was successful.

My blog title refers to a joke I have with my host family about "teacher voices." Lynda and I are both teachers so no one wants to hear that. Brad just has a "cranky" voice. :) Friday I went into Corey's year seven classroom to monitor the students taking a test while the teacher was making copies quick and my "teacher" voice had to come out towards one of the students in the class who was trying to goof off. Corey and I had a laugh about it after school.

Brad picked the boys and me up from school, we packed up for Brisbane City to go to the markets and have fish and chips by the Brisbane River. It was so beautiful walking up and down the boardwalk in perfect weather (finally!) and NO BUGS :) however, Cale and I did count 5+ bats, and Aussie bats are about 5x the size of bats at home....YUCK! Anyway, we had yummy fish and chips on a blanket by the beach and then drove around the city. Brad brought us to his Queensland Fire Station. I was able to take pictures of the firetrucks and tour the fire house. Lynda and I were looking for the "hunky" firemen but all we found was "chunky." Ohhh wellll.... ;)

Today is Australia Election Day, Brad and Lynda are off to vote and happy to know that the political adds are over since they have been media heavy for the past 4 weeks...that's nothing though, we still have 7 1/2 months! BLECK. They joked that I should come and vote too...must not be as strict as American voting rules..hehe.

I went for my second solo run this morning..another 10k. (anyone able to convert?? hehe) It is just a crazy feeling running the streets of Australia! Even crazier that I haven't gotten lost!

Qut is hosting a BBQ for the international students and our host families. They have invited Qut students to join us also so it will be great to meet more friends! The sun is out and we are all ready for a beautiful day! The girls and I are planning to train to Brisbane tonight- about 45 minutes from Morayfield. We will see what the city has to offer us crazy gals!

Happy spring break to all my Mankato student teachers!! Enjoy your time off - come visit if you'd like!

<3 Mel xoxo

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My Computer Didn't Blow Up!

Hi there! My mac has been dead for the past 36 hours or so and since my adapter was a) not correct and b) broken I was unable to charge it. However, my awesome host parents Brad and Lynda went out to get me a new adapter today while I was at Wamuran State School- a farming school about 20 minutes from Morayfield. I was observing a year two classroom where the students were! It was a very interesting experience.

Some of the students asked me:
-What does America look like?
-Next time you come will you bring snow?
-What does snow feel like?
-Why do you speak funny?
-Will you pass me a rubber? (an eraser!)

Yesterday I was at Qut with the girls and some Qut staff. I learned some new strategies that are used in Australia that are quite similar to some strategies we use at home so that was neat! Aus is also moving to more curriculum based teaching-which we are pros at in USA so it is fun hearing about the beginning of that process.

Tonight and last night I have gone for a 6k walk with my family (do the math!) Coleby loves wearing my garmin watch and telling us how many MILES we have walked. We have had some amazing dinners too! I have had pumpkin twice, which I actually like! And tonight we made tacos...yum! Just like in USA- moma would be proud!

The weather is still on and off rainy- but no complaints here! Although the boys have been begging me to get into the pool with them... I break their hearts saying it is still too cold. ONE DAY I will jump in... :)

I love being with this family- they have welcomed me in so many ways. I am truly blessed to have this experience with them.

I am off to finally see my Aus friend Leah with Lynn and Andrea! Stay tuned for more! Thanks for following my trip :)

<3 Mel xoxo

Sunday, March 18, 2012

I'm Here and I'm Ready to Rock & Roll!

Greetings from Australia everyone! I woke up before my alarm so I thought I would post a little "I made it here and love it even more!" post.

I am here and have instantly fell in love with the place. My host family is in a word, incredible. I have 3 new brothers that are so much fun and so silly! They love calling me sister and reminding their parents that they have a new daughter now.

Rewinding- we landed in Brisbane yesterday at 4:50am. Customs was a breeze and we jumped on our bus to QUT (the university) at 6:20. We made it to QUT by 7am and had a mini meet and greet with some staff that will be with us for this next week during orientation and our whole experience. Our families arrived one by one at 9:30, mine was third and I spotted them right away! I ran up to them and we connected right away with hugs and smiles. After showing them my embarrassing large suitcase we were off to Morayfield to the house!

After driving around a little bit we ended up at "Pigs Hallow" their self-named estate. There is a cute story that I would probably butcher if I tried to retell it about how Brad and Lynda met and their pig collection, so they named their house Pigs Hallow. They have cute signs and Pigs Hallow engraved on the gate that opens to the driveway.

The house is absolutely gorgeous and I have my own room with a bed, couch, tv (although I do not need a tv in, table, closet, mini kitchen....etc. Needless to say, I've got it made here. Maybe I will never leave??  I cannot wait to post pictures of outside and the pool! They have had a ten-year on-going landscaping project and it is paradise outside. The landscaping and garden are amazing and they have a garden that has everything you can imagine- corn, pea, tomatoes, avacado, strawberries, lemons, everything! YUM YUM YUM.

They also have 2 pet ducks and Quacka and Quackess, so fun, and a Boarder Collie named Max that is such a good outside dog.

 During the day we have "tea" a lot along with crackers and Brie cheese (shout out to my girl if you are reading this! :) ) or we might have some fancy/DELICIOUS bread. I LOVE TEA BREAKS :)) For dinner Lynda and Brad made a delicious roast and potatoes with veggies. It was so nice to have a family sit down dinner.

I tried my first Tim-Tam cookies! My family welcomed me with a gift of Aus things and Tim-Tams were in there and America, you are MISSING OUT! YUM!!!

This post is crazy crazy but I wanted to get something out to those of you that were wondering what I was up to! Today I am bringing my brothers to school with Lynda then I will be on campus at 9:45 for orientaion. Tomorrow we are observing a "Farm School" and the more orientation and we will also go to some QUT classes! Friday will be our first official day in our classrooms! Very exciting! I promise to post again soon (especially for you Meg, hehe)

Love always,
Mel xoxo

Monday, March 12, 2012

Ready or Not! :)

Ready or not my flight is leaving Friday afternoon with or without me! (ok, with me!) I have been feeling so many emotions...nervous, anxious, EXCITED, happy, sad, overwhelmed...

It literally feels like yesterday that I was sitting at Number 4 with my parents discussing the details about deciding on going on this trip of a lifetime. Now, here I sit days before I go on an adventure that will change my life. I cannot help but feel overcome with emotions.

I have been have been blessed with amazing friends who have celebrated with me that I will sincerely miss. I can't ignore the fact that I will be missing many key family events including Easter and my cousin Cory's wedding in Orlando. I will deeply miss them and always keep them in my thoughts.

I am finishing my last two days of student teaching. I feel liked I blinked twice and my experience began and ended in a flash. I have learned so much about myself during this experience and cannot thank my family and close friends enough for helping me through the rough* patches ;)

Stay tuned! xoxo

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Start of Something New??

As many of you may know- I am off to Australia for the trip of a lifetime in t-13 days! I thought I would create a blog for my friends and family back home who may be curious as to what I could possibly be up to on the other side of the world! I am curious to see how this whole blogging thing works.. so PLEASE bear with me... I will figure it out! Who knows... maybe it will become one of my crazy quirks that quickly transforms into an obsession.

Stay tuned! Date of Departure : March 16th :)

-Mel xoxox

ps. this whole trip is REALLY starting to become real. I cannot believe I am actually doing this! (someone pinch me) It will be a crazy 6 weeks and I absolutely cannot wait to begin the journey.