Thursday, March 29, 2012

Happy (2 week) Holiday!

What a beautiful day in Australia today! The sun was out the weather is hot..I love it! PLUS, it is end of term so I have a two week holiday (vacation)! Anyone in MN have a two week vaca??

I began my early morning at 5:30 with a run, my new daily starter here. On my way back to the house I was just about to the gate and I noticed Quacka, one of our pet ducks was across the street! I ran in to get the boys and we had a wild duck hunt around the neighborhood! NOW we know that the ducks certainly can fly out of their pen...Brad will be clipping their feathers in the near future.

When the kids arrived at school my little mate (buddy) who said the funny yesterday came in bouncing off the walls and dancing in front of the class making a big scene. I told him he could only dance if he danced with me..THINKING that would scare him off. OH NO, he pulled me in and started dancing the morning away. I was trying so hard not to laugh and get my teacher voice out...but come on these kids are hilarious! Later, this same boy raised his hand during writing again and told me he was very upset. I asked him why he was so mad and he said that another boy in the class told him he couldn't marry me.........HAHA. What do I say to these comments...seriously, I need help!

I was so surprised this morning with EASTER cards (again, not allowed in American schools), eggs, candies, etc. The kids showered us with gifts. I felt so special, especially for being here for nearly a week. LOVE IT!

Later, the prep kids (kindergarten) had a easter hat parade and the grades went outside their buildings to cheer on and applaud and for the decked out preppies in their bunny hats. It was so neat seeing the relationship between grades, especially years six and seven with the little ones!

There has been a lot of writing in my classroom this week. For end of term assessment they are writing short stories. Many kids ask me how to spell melts my heart that they are using MN in their writings, even though they have no idea what it is like..just that I am from there. hehe so cute.

Mrs. Knight and I decided to give the kids a break outside to play dodgeball. (A teacher's secret dream is to participate in an innocent game of dodgeball....and I did!) The kids had a blast! There was a point where the kids started having a break dance competition on the basketball court..they asked me if I could shuffle. Oh boy, can I shuffle! But they are pretty dang good I enjoyed watching them. I just love seeing the students in a different environment other than the classroom!

I was on duty today during first break with my teacher and I just had come to realize that the sports the kids play are mainly cricket and different from at home! It is just one thing showing that it is just a total other world over here..! Yet, so similar at the same time.

At second lunch one of the teachers gave me a "frostbite stix" which is a sorbet tube of fruit juice, similar to a freeze, which they would call an ice block. Whatever it was, it was very good and very refreshing!

Tonight I am off to Leah's for a BBQ and then to meet some more Aussie friends. Tomorrow we will be hitting the Sunshine Coast and I cannot wait! Have a great Friday all my American mates! (friends**!)

Mel xoxo

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