Monday, March 26, 2012

Do all Americans speak funny or is it just me?

Hello there! My first Monday at Morayfield East State School was a success. I really love the year six students. The age they are at is so much fun and I am so lucky to have such a wonderful cooperating teacher! After school Lynn and I walked to a small grocery store to try to find ingredients for puppy luck. So we walked back to Pigs Hollow to sit by the pool and finish applying for jobs! It is crazy applying for big girl jobs right now. I get so overwhelmed because I have no idea where I want to be, or if I will have much of a choice. Growing up can be so hard sometimes!

At school today Mrs. Knight and I went into a year three classroom to give that teacher 30 minutes of no-contact time. The kids were so cute, when Mrs. Knight introduced me and said I came all the way from America their eyes lit up. One boy shouted out, "Is America fun?!" Later, another boy asked me how I spell mum. I responded "m-o-m" of course..the boy goes, "Wow, she really is from America!" A girl in my class came up to me just curious if it ever gets hot in Minnesota and when I told her it does she was satisfied and left. Another boy asked me if all people in America speak funny or if it was just me.

Kids say the darnedest things! It was a beautiful day today in Morayfield.

Many thoughts and prayers to my family at home going through medical issues including my grandpa who had a heart attack on Friday.. hugs and kisses to you all.

Congrats to my baby sister who was honored with "Rookie of the Year" for ERDT this year as an 8th grader! I couldn't be more proud of her- I love you B! xoxo

Kind regards
Mel xoxo

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