Saturday, March 31, 2012

Holiday Exhaustion

G'nite everyone!

I have had quite a weekend..and the holiday has hardly started! Friday evening Leah came and picked me up from my house and then we went on to get Lynn. We ventured off towards Redcliffe where Leah is from. I needed cash and Leah needed some ingredients for the BBQ so we stopped at a grocery store..however it didn't go too smoothly for me. It just so happens to withdraw cash you need to know the PIN of your credit card. Whoops...

As we approached Leah's estate she slowed way down in the hopes of seeing kangaroos in her neighborhood and WE DID! I saw my first two kangaroos of my whole aussie trip! It was so cool, they were like deer in MN and hopped back into the trees. My night was complete before it really had even begun.

Leah's parents Linda and Peter greeted us with open arms into their house. Peter had grilled steaks and sausages while Linda and Leah had already prepared an amazing salad. I have been so spoiled with such great home cooked meals.. my mom and roommates have some big shoes to fill once I return!

Leah was so lovely and left little gifts in our room when we got there. So excited I tore it open to find timtams and good! We devoured them later in the evening :)

After dinner and chatting with the parents about rugby, JEEPs, nicknames...haha we rushed to get ready and Linda brought us to EatonHill, a new and HUGE nightclub near Redcliffe. There was a ministry of music event going on so there was a $10 cover charge. Remember when I said I was unable to get cash earlier in the evening?? well... I paid in coins to get into the bar.. always keeping it classy! The night was so fun. We met heaps of cool people and got some American deals on some fancy drinks.

This morning we woke up at 9 and took off for the Sunshine Coast! I was soo pumped to go to the coast and relax on the beach! It was just beautiful being on the coast. The sky was dark blue with litter clouds. Lynn, Leah and I sat on the beach, walked along the coast and went to a Dampa Dampa shop to try some Aussie Dampas!

My aussie friend Leah is so adventurous (by adventurous I mean she even went to NYC for a week ALONE) and is talking about moving to Spain in October to teach. Crazy right?! It does sound tempting to do though...for a year maybe? Our big discussion of the day was our next trip to Spain.  :)

I came home at 3pm to meet with the travel agent about my Sydney trip. After a glass of wine in the Bali Hut with the travel agent, Brad and Lynda I was EXHAUSTED! I came into the house and Cale turned on the TV for me..haha although I was out like a light within minutes. I took my first cat nap of the entire trip and it was amazzzinnng! I needed some sleep....after all the hard work on the beach and all ;)

This evening I needed to paint my nails since I finally picked off my manicure to the point that I was going to need to wear gloves if I couldn't touch up my nails. Lynda shared her nail polish with me, which is something she is not used to doing living with 4 boys.. I picked out some colors and ran into my room for two minutes. I came out to find Corey and Cale painting their toes! I think there is a little too much girl power in the house for all these boys to handle... hehe. too funny! Do not fear, they removed the polish..but I do have pictures to blackmail them with in 15 years. muaahaha.

B-girl: painting my nails made me think of YOU! as always... wish you were here!!! xoxoxoxoxo

Tomorrow morning we are packing up and headed to Tallebundgra to go camping... WHAT AM I GETTING MYSELF INTO?! Actually, I am really excited! The weather is supposed to be great, Lynda and I have planned walk along the coast and walks to the markets for fresh fruits and veggies (my latest obsession) and I will of course bring my Garmin for ocean side runs! AHHH PARADISE!

Thank you to all my "followers" of my trip. It has been absolutely wonderful and I am so blessed to have such wonderful people in Australia taking such great care of me.

Have a great weekend everyone! I'd love to hear some great April Fools Day pranks. Just crossing my fingers my host family doesn't play any on me while camping ;) Stay tuned for updates on my big adventure!

love always
Mel xoxo

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